Sorry for the long overdue post. We were in Virginia for a week, and it has taken a couple of days to get settled back into our normal routine. Here is a quick rundown of everything that happened while we were gone.

Andrew, left on the way down; Patrick, right. They swapped at rest stops to get turns next to mommy.
Our trip to Virginia was full of so many amazing moments. I could have done without the screaming children for the last two hours of our drive down during Baltimore and DC rush hour traffic. I do not miss the awful traffic whatsoever, that's for sure. However, once we got to MeMaw and PePaw's house the boys had the best time crawling around the kitchen island chasing each other before passing out for the night. Chasing each other is now one of their favorite things to do and their laughter as they play is such a fantastic sound. Hopefully I can capture one of these chase sessions on video!
One of the not so fun parts of the trip was realizing that due to the fact Dave and I are the only two people they see most of the time, they 100% did not like being held by other people. This changed by the end of the week, but for the first half they wanted nothing to do with anyone else unless we were holding them or they were on the ground able to escape.
Patrick left, Andrew right out to dinner
During the week, we got to spend some time with their grandparents, my best friend, my brother, and of course my brother and sister-in-law and their new baby boy Logan! We also were able to celebrate our niece turning four! So much packed in to the week.
All I know is that seeing Logan I can't believe that my boys were ever that tiny. He is a handsome little man, but it definitely amazes me that I already forget Andrew and Patrick being that young and it was only 8.5 months ago!
Having fun at dinner
We went out to dinner for the first time with them able to sit in high chairs and they were so good! At first we sat them together, and then realized it may be better if I sit between the two. The rest of the evening was spent with me happily picking up their toys as they played one of their favorite games. Drop something and watch as mommy picks it up and gives it back to them. I think the waitstaff may have also learned not to put the extremely hot plate that they caution you not to touch directly in front of a baby (luckily Andrew didn't touch it before we moved it), as well as you can't give tiny glow sticks to babies that they could swallow or chew open and swallow the liquid inside. Fun for all!
One of my last favorite moments from the trip came from their sleeping arrangements. Andrew and Patrick's cribs at home are in opposite corners of the room, but their playards they sleep in when we travel are usually right next to each other. This is the first time we have travelled since they have discovered how to pull into a standing up position. Sometimes they'd wake up from a nap and I would think maybe they had gone back to sleep. I'd get to their room and then through a crack in the door see them playing with each other and holding hands and talking through their cribs. It was so awesome to see them interacting like that.
Andrew left, Patrick right
That's all for now, but I'm sure now that we're home I'll go back to updating all the time! :)