Yup, that's right. I'm working again. When they told us of the price drops for the summer at our daycare, we did the math. It will only cost us $10/wk more than it was already for us to switch the boys to two full days of daycare rather than two half days. We decided that for the season, it just made sense to make the switch and have me go back to serving for a little while.
What I forgot to factor in until right now is the fact that those few minutes before daddy had to run out the door with them to make it to his job on time were the only ones I would see them. That is mostly because while I'm training, I am working some double shifts and most likely won't be home until after they have gone to bed. Once I start working a more regular schedule, my getting to spend only a few minutes with them will stop, and I will always have weekend mornings to hang out even if I have to work in the afternoon or evening.
To be honest, I now for the first time completely understand what one of my mom friends means when she says she already feels guilty because she works so much, but then she gets home at 6 pm, puts them to bed at 6:30pm and then sits and cries outside their door. It is what is best for her family and her children, but that doesn't mean it's easy. I have a feeling I will be doing the same thing when I get home tonight after a quick sneak into their room to give them each a kiss. I am trying to focus on how blessed and lucky I am that this is the first time I've had to do this.
I miss those adorable little faces! I guess now I'm going to go on a whole house cleaning rampage to kill time. Keep your fingers crossed that today goes by quickly and is busy so I don't have time to think about how much I miss my babies. I will give a better update soon which includes the first time both Dave and I have left the boys overnight!
***UPDATE***I just spoke to Dave, and the boys didn't cry when he dropped them off, which they still do sometimes, so I now at least feel better that they are happy there!