I would like to apologize for the serious lack of posts. Being a full time mom of twins has been an incredibly busy and exhausting job. On top of my mom duties, I have been doing some serious running/working out. With all of this, I haven't had the energy to get online and post blog updates.
However, some things have changed recently which will now allow me to update at least once a week! The boys have entered into day care for two half days each week. That means that for two afternoons I get four entire hours to myself! I can get errands done without having to worry about getting the boys in and out of the car; I can go running without having to push the stroller or waking up at 5 am; I can even take a nap!!
Patrick is all ready for his first day!
Andrew is too!
Of course, the real reason behind entering the boys into day care is to start to socialize them more and get them used to the idea that it doesn't always have to be mom and dad who take care of them. Dave and I are going to be going away to a wedding that I am lucky enough to be a part of in May. We want to make sure that when their grandparents come up to take care of them, they don't get super upset about mom and dad not being there.
"Did you know we get to go to school today?"
While I do sound super excited about my "me" time that results from them being in daycare two afternoons a week, this is the beginning of the letting go that all parents must do. I know I was way more upset last week when I dropped them off for the first time. I couldn't even go home for the first couple of hours because I didn't want to be in the house without them. Of course, they had a great time! Patrick didn't even seem to want to leave when I came to get them.
"Yeah, we get to go out there with these awesome backpacks!"
We had to skip the second day last week though, because my little men were sick. Taking care of sick twins is more than a full time job. It seemed that whenever one of them felt extra sick, the other wanted to play and let me tell you, trying to hold and comfort a crying child while keeping the other entertained doesn't always work so well, especially when it comes to meals. Having to listen to one of your babies be miserable while you have to prepare some food for the other breaks a mother's heart (and no, I couldn't hold him, because then the other little guy would start crying too and then I had no hands to prepare food).
Andrew's Sesame Street backpack may be a little big...
BUT we all got through it, and today was a huge success. They screamed as soon as we showed up but this time, they stopped within a minute after we left. On top of that, I got so much done! I was able to buy new running shoes, get a long overdue present for one of my close friends, go grocery shopping, and even break in my running shoes before going to pick them up! It was so strange walking around the grocery store with my list, taking my sweet time and not feeling rushed. I had truly forgotten what that felt like. Plus, Patrick didn't want to leave again, and when we got home, they were so incredibly happy. Clearly, this is good for them!
Sorry, I just think they look so adorable with their backpacks!
Tomorrow is story hour at the local library which the boys LOVE, and then Thursday we are starting a yoga class that I actually get to take them to with me. I must say I am loving our new routine full of activities. Letting go a little is hard, but I guess it's pretty rewarding too! Time to share my sweet babies with the rest of the world. :)