Friday, March 22, 2013

Nothing is Safe Anymore!

It all started a few weeks ago, when I had to run into the dining room to see what Patrick was up to, only to walk back into the living room to find Andrew on all fours on our side table. My little monkey had figured out how to climb onto a large basket we were using to block off the floor lamp, and then up onto the table. A terrifyingly hilarious moment. He was so proud of himself too!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Clearly this isn't safe, so I started spending my time perched on the edge of the side table to keep him from climbing it. However, Andrew then figured out how to climb onto the Bose subwoofer that sits next to our entertainment center. Thus began my days of going back and forth between the two, trying to teach my children (because obviously Patrick followed Andrew's lead) not to climb those things. 


We rearranged some furniture, and while I still have had to spend a large part of my days using the subwoofer as a seat, they move on to other things much more quickly, and are starting to actually listen when I tell them to get down rather than just laugh in my face. Well, at least they did until a few days ago.


Andrew and Patrick can now consistently climb onto the coffee table, which of course is their new favorite thing to do. By the time I get the second one down off the coffee table, the first is already back up there smiling away. The only relief is that in all the chaos, my boys have started to figure out how to also get down off the table safely! It's no longer quite as scary when they are up there, even if my heart is jumping out of my chest when they do it. I have a feeling the couches and the chairs are only a few days away. Nothing is safe!

What mom? We're not doing anything! (Patrick, left; Andrew, right)

Here's what happened the rest of the week at a glance. Dave's parents were in town for a few days, including St. Patrick's Day and it is so fun to see how much Andrew and Patrick love them. Dave and I were even able to go out to lunch on our own for once! I'm so grateful to have them around to be part of their lives. Also, we spent the first day of spring outside playing in the snow. That pretty much sums it up.

Smiling up at MeMaw (Andrew, left; Patrick, right)

On a more serious note, I could not reflect on this past week without saying something about the marathon I'm running and why I'm doing it. Last Saturday marked 13 years since I lost my mother. I am running the Chicago Marathon not only because I'm competitive and crazy, but because I am trying to raise money for the Huntington's Disease Society of America in memory of my mother and in hopes that my brother won't have to suffer as she did. If you have a moment, please visit my fundraising website for more info. Every dollar counts, and I appreciate it more than you could ever know.

Finally, GO HARVARD!!!!!!!!!!!! 




Running around!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Yoga Success!!!

Today has been such a great day that I had to get online and make a post immediately! To be honest, I started out this morning with a bit of a headache, and super nervous for trying our yoga class again. However, boosted by the fact that I witnessed Andrew and Patrick actually allow another child to hug them yesterday, and the fact Patrick even went up to another kid and gave him a kiss, off I went to class.


In the beginning, it was a little rough. They definitely were much more willing to move from their original spot, but the second I actually started practicing any yoga, it made them upset. I decided in those moments that my goal for this class was just to get them accustomed to the space so that maybe next week I could do more yoga. Then something amazing happened. We stopped to do a few songs as a group, and then after that the boys were finally brave enough to start running around and playing! I was able to get about 15 minutes of actual yoga in at the end!

When did my boys get so tall???

The best part was hearing them laugh and knowing that next week will be even better! They became completely fascinated with the mirror. We all wondered at the end if they think they see their brother when they look in the mirror. Sage told me that at one moment they were on opposite ends of the mirror, and as they got closer together, Patrick looked from the mirror to his brother, and then got very upset as if he wasn't expecting it. I just wish I had a video of the way they played in the mirror. Absolutely adorably hilarious! Patrick kept picking a spot where two mirrors met at the seam and leaned back and forth across it as if he was trying to play peekaboo with himself. Andrew was more into running around pushing the massive exercise balls around before sprinting up to himself in the mirror and laughing.

Patrick just hanging out in the entryway

 Such a good time, and so good for my soul! I can't wait for next week! I also can't wait to find more activities!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ups and Downs

The last week has been full of its ups and downs. Our first parent-toddler yoga class together was a major disaster, but there was a gorgeous sunny day for a jog, and my boys have finally re-entered the snuggle phase!

Patrick in the blue, Andrew in the orange; "Riding on dogs is frowned upon in this establishment"

Andrew's turn!

First, the bad stuff. Yoga was awful! I don't think it would have been as bad if my expectations weren't so high. The boys have been doing extremely well in daycare (they are currently still sleeping in from being so exhausted from all their play yesterday and yes it is almost 9 am), and they still LOVE story hour at the local library. Therefore, I walked into that class with excitement for getting to do something so completely normal, like take a fitness class. In the beginning, it looked like it was going to be okay. Patrick and Andrew wouldn't move from the spots I put them down, but they weren't upset either. We started the class, the other toddlers were quietly playing, and then it all went downhill. Someone came late and put her mat down between Patrick and me. He DID NOT like that. However, I kept hope alive, grabbed him and got him to calm back down, just in time for Andrew to decide he did not like this yoga class. I tried to go out in the hall to calm them in hopes of going back in, but it just never happened so we left. Luckily though, the instructor is awesome and willing to give me a make up class, and hopefully this week will go much better!

Snuggle time! Andrew, left; Patrick, right

Now, the great stuff. This winter, and yes, it is still decidedly winter up here in Maine, I have had to run with the boys in these warm sleeping bags and a weather cover over the stroller, more to keep the cold wind off their faces than to keep rain out. However, I finally was able to take that off and get them so true fresh air! We went for a full 7 miles, my furthest run yet pushing the jogger and it was amazing! I look forward to more days like this. They are just good for the soul.


Also, Andrew and Patrick have decided cuddling is okay again! I was in for the long haul, thinking it would be awhile before they wanted to snuggle up with me again. They are always go, go, go! And when they're not, they prefer to be in their cribs, until now. They actually like to take these little 10 minute breaks from playing to just come over and sit on my lap. Patrick even fell asleep for a nap on me the other day, which hasn't happened since they were small babies!

Patrick just hanging out

Finally, I feel like I must be doing something right, seeing the actions that Andrew and Patrick are choosing to mimic of mine. They love to give each other hugs and kisses. Patrick has even started this new thing, where he drops his voice into this sweet quiet sound, and then gives his hugs and kisses, even to his stuffed animal. It makes me so proud to see them so loving. Of course, they still wind up to hit each other sometimes too, but boys will be boys. We'll work on that one.

Here's a video for your enjoyment too!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

So It Begins...

I would like to apologize for the serious lack of posts. Being a full time mom of twins has been an incredibly busy and exhausting job. On top of my mom duties, I have been doing some serious running/working out. With all of this, I haven't had the energy to get online and post blog updates.

However, some things have changed recently which will now allow me to update at least once a week! The boys have entered into day care for two half days each week. That means that for two afternoons I get four entire hours to myself! I can get errands done without having to worry about getting the boys in and out of the car; I can go running without having to push the stroller or waking up at 5 am; I can even take a nap!!

Patrick is all ready for his first day!

Andrew is too!

Of course, the real reason behind entering the boys into day care is to start to socialize them more and get them used to the idea that it doesn't always have to be mom and dad who take care of them. Dave and I are going to be going away to a wedding that I am lucky enough to be a part of in May. We want to make sure that when their grandparents come up to take care of them, they don't get super upset about mom and dad not being there.

"Did you know we get to go to school today?"

While I do sound super excited about my "me" time that results from them being in daycare two afternoons a week, this is the beginning of the letting go that all parents must do. I know I was way more upset last week when I dropped them off for the first time. I couldn't even go home for the first couple of hours because I didn't want to be in the house without them. Of course, they had a great time! Patrick didn't even seem to want to leave when I came to get them.

"Yeah, we get to go out there with these awesome backpacks!"

We had to skip the second day last week though, because my little men were sick. Taking care of sick twins is more than a full time job. It seemed that whenever one of them felt extra sick, the other wanted to play and let me tell you, trying to hold and comfort a crying child while keeping the other entertained doesn't always work so well, especially when it comes to meals. Having to listen to one of your babies be miserable while you have to prepare some food for the other breaks a mother's heart (and no, I couldn't hold him, because then the other little guy would start crying too and then I had no hands to prepare food).

Andrew's Sesame Street backpack may be a little big...

BUT we all got through it, and today was a huge success. They screamed as soon as we showed up but this time, they stopped within a minute after we left. On top of that, I got so much done! I was able to buy new running shoes, get a long overdue present for one of my close friends, go grocery shopping, and even break in my running shoes before going to pick them up! It was so strange walking around the grocery store with my list, taking my sweet time and not feeling rushed. I had truly forgotten what that felt like. Plus, Patrick didn't want to leave again, and when we got home, they were so incredibly happy. Clearly, this is good for them!

Sorry, I just think they look so adorable with their backpacks!

Tomorrow is story hour at the local library which the boys LOVE, and then Thursday we are starting a yoga class that I actually get to take them to with me. I must say I am loving our new routine full of activities. Letting go a little is hard, but I guess it's pretty rewarding too! Time to share my sweet babies with the rest of the world. :)