The last week has been full of its ups and downs. Our first parent-toddler yoga class together was a major disaster, but there was a gorgeous sunny day for a jog, and my boys have finally re-entered the snuggle phase!
Patrick in the blue, Andrew in the orange; "Riding on dogs is frowned upon in this establishment"
Andrew's turn!
First, the bad stuff. Yoga was awful! I don't think it would have been as bad if my expectations weren't so high. The boys have been doing extremely well in daycare (they are currently still sleeping in from being so exhausted from all their play yesterday and yes it is almost 9 am), and they still LOVE story hour at the local library. Therefore, I walked into that class with excitement for getting to do something so completely normal, like take a fitness class. In the beginning, it looked like it was going to be okay. Patrick and Andrew wouldn't move from the spots I put them down, but they weren't upset either. We started the class, the other toddlers were quietly playing, and then it all went downhill. Someone came late and put her mat down between Patrick and me. He DID NOT like that. However, I kept hope alive, grabbed him and got him to calm back down, just in time for Andrew to decide he did not like this yoga class. I tried to go out in the hall to calm them in hopes of going back in, but it just never happened so we left. Luckily though, the instructor is awesome and willing to give me a make up class, and hopefully this week will go much better!

Snuggle time! Andrew, left; Patrick, right
Now, the great stuff. This winter, and yes, it is still decidedly winter up here in Maine, I have had to run with the boys in these warm sleeping bags and a weather cover over the stroller, more to keep the cold wind off their faces than to keep rain out. However, I finally was able to take that off and get them so true fresh air! We went for a full 7 miles, my furthest run yet pushing the jogger and it was amazing! I look forward to more days like this. They are just good for the soul.
Also, Andrew and Patrick have decided cuddling is okay again! I was in for the long haul, thinking it would be awhile before they wanted to snuggle up with me again. They are always go, go, go! And when they're not, they prefer to be in their cribs, until now. They actually like to take these little 10 minute breaks from playing to just come over and sit on my lap. Patrick even fell asleep for a nap on me the other day, which hasn't happened since they were small babies!
Patrick just hanging out
Finally, I feel like I must be doing something right, seeing the actions that Andrew and Patrick are choosing to mimic of mine. They love to give each other hugs and kisses. Patrick has even started this new thing, where he drops his voice into this sweet quiet sound, and then gives his hugs and kisses, even to his stuffed animal. It makes me so proud to see them so loving. Of course, they still wind up to hit each other sometimes too, but boys will be boys. We'll work on that one.
Here's a video for your enjoyment too!
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