Thursday, March 14, 2013

Yoga Success!!!

Today has been such a great day that I had to get online and make a post immediately! To be honest, I started out this morning with a bit of a headache, and super nervous for trying our yoga class again. However, boosted by the fact that I witnessed Andrew and Patrick actually allow another child to hug them yesterday, and the fact Patrick even went up to another kid and gave him a kiss, off I went to class.


In the beginning, it was a little rough. They definitely were much more willing to move from their original spot, but the second I actually started practicing any yoga, it made them upset. I decided in those moments that my goal for this class was just to get them accustomed to the space so that maybe next week I could do more yoga. Then something amazing happened. We stopped to do a few songs as a group, and then after that the boys were finally brave enough to start running around and playing! I was able to get about 15 minutes of actual yoga in at the end!

When did my boys get so tall???

The best part was hearing them laugh and knowing that next week will be even better! They became completely fascinated with the mirror. We all wondered at the end if they think they see their brother when they look in the mirror. Sage told me that at one moment they were on opposite ends of the mirror, and as they got closer together, Patrick looked from the mirror to his brother, and then got very upset as if he wasn't expecting it. I just wish I had a video of the way they played in the mirror. Absolutely adorably hilarious! Patrick kept picking a spot where two mirrors met at the seam and leaned back and forth across it as if he was trying to play peekaboo with himself. Andrew was more into running around pushing the massive exercise balls around before sprinting up to himself in the mirror and laughing.

Patrick just hanging out in the entryway

 Such a good time, and so good for my soul! I can't wait for next week! I also can't wait to find more activities!

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