Friday, March 22, 2013

Nothing is Safe Anymore!

It all started a few weeks ago, when I had to run into the dining room to see what Patrick was up to, only to walk back into the living room to find Andrew on all fours on our side table. My little monkey had figured out how to climb onto a large basket we were using to block off the floor lamp, and then up onto the table. A terrifyingly hilarious moment. He was so proud of himself too!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Clearly this isn't safe, so I started spending my time perched on the edge of the side table to keep him from climbing it. However, Andrew then figured out how to climb onto the Bose subwoofer that sits next to our entertainment center. Thus began my days of going back and forth between the two, trying to teach my children (because obviously Patrick followed Andrew's lead) not to climb those things. 


We rearranged some furniture, and while I still have had to spend a large part of my days using the subwoofer as a seat, they move on to other things much more quickly, and are starting to actually listen when I tell them to get down rather than just laugh in my face. Well, at least they did until a few days ago.


Andrew and Patrick can now consistently climb onto the coffee table, which of course is their new favorite thing to do. By the time I get the second one down off the coffee table, the first is already back up there smiling away. The only relief is that in all the chaos, my boys have started to figure out how to also get down off the table safely! It's no longer quite as scary when they are up there, even if my heart is jumping out of my chest when they do it. I have a feeling the couches and the chairs are only a few days away. Nothing is safe!

What mom? We're not doing anything! (Patrick, left; Andrew, right)

Here's what happened the rest of the week at a glance. Dave's parents were in town for a few days, including St. Patrick's Day and it is so fun to see how much Andrew and Patrick love them. Dave and I were even able to go out to lunch on our own for once! I'm so grateful to have them around to be part of their lives. Also, we spent the first day of spring outside playing in the snow. That pretty much sums it up.

Smiling up at MeMaw (Andrew, left; Patrick, right)

On a more serious note, I could not reflect on this past week without saying something about the marathon I'm running and why I'm doing it. Last Saturday marked 13 years since I lost my mother. I am running the Chicago Marathon not only because I'm competitive and crazy, but because I am trying to raise money for the Huntington's Disease Society of America in memory of my mother and in hopes that my brother won't have to suffer as she did. If you have a moment, please visit my fundraising website for more info. Every dollar counts, and I appreciate it more than you could ever know.

Finally, GO HARVARD!!!!!!!!!!!! 




Running around!

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