Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Outdoor Play Time...FINALLY!

One thing I've discovered the last month, especially since I went away for two weekends and let the boys have some bonding time to themselves, is that the 8 hours each week the boys are in daycare isn't as glamorous as I once thought it would be. It mostly involves errands, and cleaning the house. Apparently it's not as easy to update the blog weekly as I thought it would be :)

Andrew and Patrick do really well now with me just handing them a snack, or their breakfast (if it's pancakes as seen in the pics) and eating it themselves. That helped us a ton on an impromptu trip to Virginia to see their grandparents and a few friends a few weeks ago. The drive was so much easier than it's ever been. It also helped that the last 3 hours were after their bed time so they actually slept and left us in peace to drive. It was a great trip!

Back at home the last few weeks, we have finally been blessed with some nice weather and with it the opportunity to finally play outside with our little men. Usually the first thing Andrew and Patrick do each morning is point down the stairs to our basement where their jackets and shoes are and then out the window. Apparently, they love getting to spend time outside just as much as Dave and I do!

We finally bought them some toys to be able to play with we are outside, and we also borrowed an awesome wagon from their cousin Alice to pull them around our yard/street in. We also got them a miniature version of that wagon to be able to pull their toys around the yard in. I've even tried to start to teach them soccer, even if I have a feeling that sports like basketball are going to win out with them down the road.

Also, we got some baby chicks! The boys got to play with some at daycare the other day, and we had been talking about getting our own for awhile, so it sparked us going and buying them and getting our barn turned into a chicken coup. We can't wait to have fresh eggs this fall/winter if all goes well and for the boys to get to go visit the barn and see them every day!



Andrew pushing the lawn mower


Apparently Andrew thinks he fits in this wagon too

Or that they both do! :)

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