Tuesday, December 25, 2012

First Christmas Thoughts

The holidays can be a very hard time on someone who has lost people close to them. I know in years past there have been many a tear shed over missing my mom and dad and wishing they could be here, especially as I've celebrated getting engaged, being married, getting pregnant with my amazing baby boys, and now, those baby boys' first Christmas.

I wouldn't feel right if I didn't address that because this year I definitely still miss them as always but it is different. In a few minutes I will be going to wake up my wonderful children and share with them a Christmas so very different from past years. They have brought happiness and meaning back to Christmas. Our family has been able to start new traditions and mix them with some of our old. This starting of new traditions is something so special it is hard to put into words how amazing it makes me feel. Sometimes it feels like I am living in a dreamworld because I thought it was just a fantasy that a life could be so full and complete. I am so incredibly grateful for the gift that my husband and boys give me every day by their mere presence in my life.

We took our inaugural trip to Freeport, ME and the LL Bean flagship store yesterday. Today, we will be watching "A Christmas Story" because shamefully, I have never actually watched the entire thing, and Dave has watched it almost every year. We still ate Chinese food for our Christmas Eve dinner, a must in my family growing up because cooking was a VERY rare occasion. I'm sure many more traditions will unfold!

More to come later, but MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Time to go show the boys the wonders of Christmas morning. :)

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