Sunday, December 16, 2012

Seriously Best Dog

Andrew in the black, and Patrick in the red cuddling with Sierra :)

A few days ago, I was trying to capture our boys new found love of trying to cuddle with one of our dogs, Sierra. I realized I would be better off taking a video of just how amazing Sierra is with our babies. Enjoy!

Also, I may have some future soccer players on my hands too (a soccer mom can dream). They both are starting to love trying to kick and move things with their feet. Here is Andrew trying to get to a ring.

Finally, Patrick is really starting to get the hang of walking. Andrew is too, but Patrick managed to walk across our entire living room yesterday without falling. I will try to get some video up within the next week. I can't believe my little boys are starting to become toddlers! How did that happen?!?!?!

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