Friday, September 28, 2012

Me, A Morning Person?!?!?!

One of the strangest things that has happened to me since becoming a mom is that I have now become a morning person. For those of you who have known me a long time, you know that I have NEVER been a morning person. My old coworkers used to make fun of me because I decided to start my day at 9 am and work until later rather than having to get up early.

Patrick cheesing right when he wakes up

Now, "sleeping in" to me is sleeping until 7 am. My new routine usually involves waking up at 5 am so that I can workout, shower, and do some chores around the house, or make some baby food for my boys before they get up for the day. Most of the time I can't even sleep past 6 am if I try. It's nuts!

So, here is what a normal schedule looks like in our household these days.

While the boys used to go to sleep around 7-7:30 pm and wake up at 8 am (yes, people, 13 hours!), they now sleep until about 7 am (shucks, only 12 hours!). Of course the past two mornings they decided to get up at 6 am, so I guess it's a good thing we started using the jogging stroller so I can skip the pre-baby wake up workout. This is one of my favorite moments of the day. They are always in such a good mood and soooo excited to see me when I first walk into their room. It's awesome!

Andrew right after waking up

Then they get their yummy breakfast. I am really proud of the fact that I make all of their food myself, except for the rice cereal/oatmeal they usually have for breakfast, but then again I stay at home so I have plenty of time to make their delicious and nutritious food. Check out Top 100 Baby Purees by Annabel Karmel for some awesome recipes and good info.

After breakfast it's play time until about 10 am when they go down for their first nap. Play time consists of some time in their neglect-o-saucers (an awesome nickname Dave's cousin gave us for them, although they tend to get upset if I actually try to leave the room), and then lots of crawling and me sprinting back and forth dragging them back to where I would prefer them play.

Patrick is such a goof ball!

One of their favorite things is crawling after our cat, who is the best family cat ever! She lets them grab her and doesn't even raise a paw most of the time, and if she does, she NEVER uses her claws, and then just leaves if they get too annoying.

Then this cycle just repeats itself throughout the day. Lunch, play time, nap, snack, play time, nap, dinner, bath, story time, bed.

It is crazy and exhausting and I am finally finding the time to do all the things I need to around the house with this newfound morning personness (yes, I just made up that word), but I wouldn't have it any other way!