Sunday, September 30, 2012

Goodbye and Good Luck Auntie Morgan!

This weekend I flew to Virginia on Saturday morning and got back to Maine this evening. I was only gone for 36 hours, but it is crazy how much I missed my adorable little men. However, with that said, there is someone I am going to miss just as much over the next 27 months.

I went to VA so that I could see one of my best friends, Morgan, before she is off to Ethiopia with the Peace Corps to do her part in saving the world. She is such an inspiration to me and I am going to miss her so much!

Andrew and I in his Safari outfit Auntie Morgan got, and Patrick and Daddy in his outfit!

So, all we want to say today is, goodbye Auntie Morgan, and good luck! (And don't worry, we will still rock those "My Aunt is Hot and Single" bibs you got us while you're gone. We'll have a line of hot guys for you to interview upon your return!)

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