Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Our First Jog

This morning I decided that it was time for us to try out the jogging stroller for the first time. I spent all this time researching which one to get, so I figured it's time to use it!

The boys all strapped up and ready to go (Patrick left, Andrew right)

Yesterday we went on a short walk with Dave and the dogs so I could start to get used to it, and I thought, "Hey! Maybe this won't be so bad after all!" Well, I was wrong! 

Not that long ago I decided it was time to start running again because not only do I love it, but it is the quickest way I know how to lose weight and I am determined to have lost all 90 lbs of my baby weight by the time the boys are 9 months old (which as of yesterday, is only one month away!) so that by Christmas I can reach my original weight loss goal I had before I found out I was pregnant. Plus, I figured I needed to be in some sort of running shape first before deciding to push my little guys around.

Unfortunately, I ran too much too fast and really killed my knees so instead lately I've been doing 45 minutes of Zumba fitness on my Wii every morning. Since my knees have seemed to recover from being the overachiever I am, off I went this morning with the boys.

All of us post run. Woohoo!!

We only went 1.5 miles and I am exhausted! Even though I'm super exhausted, I loved every second, especially because they seemed to enjoy it too. Plus, I'm happy to report my knees feel ok after that. Now, if only I remember that before I start trying to do too much too quickly again. Baby steps with my babies! :) 

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