Saturday, November 3, 2012

Eating Issues

So far pretty much every single one of my posts has centered around how wonderful and amazing my children are. This is so very true, but sometimes motherhood can be incredibly trying and difficult.

For the past week or so, Patrick has decided that he will only eat the first few bites of his meal and then will fuss the rest of the way through it. The hard part is, it is obvious he still enjoys the taste of the food he is eating because the second we can find a way to trick another bite into his mouth, he immediately chews it up as if he was never fussy in the first place. Then, as a result of all of Patrick's fussing and taking longer to eat, Andrew starts getting very upset. He is so young, I think he believes that I am feeding Patrick more than him and so actual tears start to stream down his face in between his bites. It breaks my heart.

Needless to say, I am SO ready for this phase to be over. At least once the meal is over they both instantly return back to their smiley selves! Also lucky for me, I finally got a break from this horrible cycle at lunch a few minutes ago. I finally got through a meal with both of them happy the entire time!!! Keep your fingers crossed that this means Patrick might be over his issues!

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