Monday, November 5, 2012

Favorite Time of Day

I have started to have a new favorite time of day with Andrew and Patrick. While it is still amazing when they wake up first thing in the morning and I can hear them interacting on the monitor, the time I now cherish most is after they wake up from their morning nap until they go down for their afternoon nap.

Patrick loves blueberry yogurt!

Andrew loves his spoon :)

Up until recently, Patrick and Andrew could rarely go more than three straight hours being awake. Now, during the afternoon they go closer to four hours, so I get an extra hour of laughter and play! Plus, this is now when I go for my jog with them, which is by far my favorite bonding activity. The peace and serenity of a nice long run, the endorphins it gives me, and getting to spend it with my little men is a fantastic combination!

Patrick reenacting Polamalu's latest Head & Shoulders commercial

As for a feeding update, Patrick seems to be over whatever it was that was causing his fuss for now. However, Andrew has decided that towards the end of a meal if he is tired of chewing, he refuses to finish his food. At least we make it almost through the entire meal before he fusses though! 

Andrew crawls everywhere with something in his mouth

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