Friday, November 2, 2012

Storm Update

First of all, we survived the storm just fine up here. We lost power for a couple of hours in the late afternoon. Patrick and Andrew had a lot of fun playing with their light up toys in the darkness. As it got later they started getting fussy, but lucky for us, the power came back on just in time for their dinner and to get them ready for bed! As soon as power was back, the boys were so happy again. In their world, darkness usually means bed time so I think they were relieved it wasn't quite that time again yet.

We lost power again after they went to bed but it came back on as we were feeding them breakfast the next morning.

Now, I know two days ago was their first Halloween and everyone is probably hoping to see pictures of their costumes. However, after much discussion, in the end Dave and I decided it would be better to just skip it this year. Costumes are not cheap and with zero plans for trick or treating and zero trick or treaters that come to our street, we honestly didn't see the point in spending the money just for a picture. Plus, I haven't exactly had the free time this year to make them one! With that said, we did put them in red flannel and declare them lumberjacks.

I promise next year will be a lot more fun!

I will try to post some pictures later today, but I left the camera in their room last night where they are currently sleeping away!

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