Monday, October 29, 2012

Water Woes

Our house has well water. This means that when power goes out, our water stops working. In preparation for Hurricane Sandy and the chance that our power goes out, we filled our bath tub to the top last night to make sure we had water to be able to flush the toilet. Gross, I know, but essential when you live in a house with well water.


One of the first things Dave said to me this morning was that he filled the tub to the top but apparently some of it leaked out. I just said, oh well, it still has enough to get us through, thinking that the plug for the drain wasn't sealed enough and that it was just draining down our pipes. Of course, what was our fun surprise when Dave went down into the basement; apparently our bath tub leaks!! WOOHOO!!! Of course this is also the morning Dave has to rush off to take our cat to her vet appointment. Oh yeah, and we found a spot of black mold...I guess our basement remodel may take a little longer than expected! I see a bathroom remodel in our future now too!


Our temporary fix, is to just keep the bath tub empty. I guess this means we are going to be spending the morning filling 5 gallon buckets with water!

So, to make us feel better, here are some adorable pictures of my children :)

Andrew, left; Patrick, right, helping put laundry away before their bath last night

I love these two!

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