Friday, October 26, 2012

Check Up Results

20 lbs 11 oz
28 3/4" tall

20 lbs 9 oz
29 1/4" tall

Basically this means our boys are still quite tall, about average-above average weight, but they are off the charts with their head sizes. When our pediatrician was explaining to us that there tends to be a correlation between head size and when babies walk (bigger heads walk later), he waved at the chart and the dots indicating where they are on the growth curve for their heads. Those dots were WAY above the 97th percentile. We all just chuckled.

With all of that being said, Dave and I may have to wait longer than we thought now for those first steps. They are showing all the signs of walking soon, but apparently because of their SUPER LARGE HEADS, they may not walk for another 2-3 months yet. Only time will tell!

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