Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Standing Up Already?!?!?!

For a couple of weeks now, both Andrew and Patrick have been pulling themselves into a standing position on anything and everything. However, today was the first time one of them decided to stand up without holding onto ANYTHING. Seriously, how are my babies growing up so quickly???

They really love those stairs (Andrew left, Patrick right)

I was playing with Andrew this morning, and Patrick had pulled himself to a standing position over on one of the chairs in our living room. The next time I looked back at him he was no longer holding onto anything and was plain old standing. I just stared with my jaw dropped as for the next 10-15 seconds he stood there with a huge smile on his face before he plopped down into a sitting position.

Patrick left, Andrew right

Of course, Andrew was not to be outdone. This afternoon he stood up by himself too, although not for as long. I thought I still had plenty of time before they start to walk, but I have a feeling I'm going to blink and that time will be here. It's just amazing how quickly this first year is flying by and how much they have changed in just the last couple of weeks, let alone the last 8.5 months! I can't believe I'm approaching the time when I have to start figuring out what to do for their 1st birthday.

Apparently Andrew doesn't like those bars as much!

In different news, we are leaving to visit our new nephew Logan on Friday so wish us luck on our long drive with the boys! I'm sure I'll have some fun stories to share.

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