Sunday, October 7, 2012

Hammer Time

Recently, Dave and I decided to make some renovations to our basement. The previous owner of this house had decided to make another bedroom in the basement (although he couldn't technically call it a bedroom because of our septic system) and add a half bath. In theory, we liked the idea of this being a guest room/our office. However, as the boys have started getting bigger, and their stuff has slowly started taking over the entire house, we realized we would enjoy our basement and use it a lot more if we tore down the closet/wall he built and made it one large room again.

We are nowhere near done yet, but we already love our basement so much more! I can't wait to be able to make a little play area for them down there, especially so they can look at the 180 gallon fish tank (yes, that's 6' x 2' x 2' of fish tank!).

Patrick, 5 months old

The only hiccup we have run into so far is the fact that apparently Andrew HATES the sound of a hammer. Yesterday, Dave was doing some work in the basement, and every single time Andrew would make what we call the "super sad face" and start crying. He was only okay if I was holding him and rubbing his back while his daddy hammered away.

 He looked something like this:

Andrew, just the other day

I hope he gets over this soon! :(

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